Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Creative side of Me - Part 11 of Part 1

Part 11 of Part 1

I know, I know it has been a very long time since my last post, but its not like I have many people to share these thoughts with, well anyways.

Rythm, tune, voice and lyrics is what you have to add to the pot to cook up a vocal song. In my case I would vote that a song needs good rythm, a good tune, a great voice and great lyrics to be a fantastic song, but if you ask most of the population of this world I doubt they even listen to the lyrics of ... any song.
I have my exceptions, if somebody has the most amazing voice you have ever heard then I'm pretty sure you won't mind what that person sings about.

Frank Sinatra- unbelievable voice.
Leonard Cohen- unbelievable lyrics, an intellect.
Which would you choose? I know I can't decide.

I understand that singers don't always write their own songs, but that doesn't mean they have to go ahead and pick a song like... Its Hot and its cold. Is there any thought to that song?
Right now I'm listening to the Beatles (They may be old, but they are still legendary!), the song 'Revolution' and this song is amazing and most likely going to be stuck in my head for the next week and I am happy about that, you can't get sick of a song that good. Now don't say that there is no Beatles in this generation because although it may not be the same style it is definitely up to standards - Muse. A heavy rock band, most of the time. One of their alternative rock songs is 'Unintended' and it too is wonderful as so enjoyable just to listen to.

It disappoints me that these days the songs that people count as 'Wow! I love that song' are shallow pop songs sung by Justin Bieber and Lady Gaga. Its not the musicians that are changing its the demand for ... simply, bad songs that is.  

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